


S01E56 - "Space Oddity" and "Starman" by David Bowie

"Space Oddity" and "Starman" by David Bowie

Season 01  Episode 56  •   January 13, 2021

Let the children lose it, let the children use it, and let all the children join in for Strong Songs year three!

S01E55 - Year Two, In Review

Year Two, In Review

Season 01  Episode 55  •   November 25, 2020

As Year Two of Strong Songs draws to a close, it's time to take a look back.

S01E54 - "A Day in the Life" by The Beatles

"A Day in the Life" by The Beatles

Season 01  Episode 54  •   November 11, 2020

Wake up, fall out of bed, and drag a comb across your head, cause Strong Songs is finally doing an episode about The Beatles.

S01E53 - Microtones, Minimalism & the Bebop Scale

Microtones, Minimalism & the Bebop Scale

Season 01  Episode 53  •   October 28, 2020

Mailbag episode! Kirk answers your burning musical questions about songs from Parks & Rec, Black Sails, Lovecraft Country, and What We Do in the Shadows, as well as microtones, minimalist...

S01E52 - Strong TV Songs: HBO Edition

Strong TV Songs: HBO Edition

Season 01  Episode 52  •   October 14, 2020

The Wildlings are south of the wall, the robots are rising up, Seventh Kavalry's on the move, and two percent of the world's population has vanished. Time for another edition...

S01E51 - "Hyperballad" by Björk

"Hyperballad" by Björk

Season 01  Episode 51  •   September 30, 2020

It's early in the morning; no one is awake. From the top of the mountain, the soft light of dawn comes into view. You take a deep breath, and prepare...

S01E50 - Good Synths, Bad Acoustics & Moana

Good Synths, Bad Acoustics & Moana

Season 01  Episode 50  •   September 16, 2020

Mailbag episode! Kirk tackles your questions on subjects ranging from a Warren Zevon piano part, to the unfortunate prevalence of bad acoustics at live shows, to why Moana is such...

S01E49 - "The Chain" and "Dreams" by Fleetwood Mac

"The Chain" and "Dreams" by Fleetwood Mac

Season 01  Episode 49  •   September 02, 2020

Thunder only happens when it's raining, and Strong Songs only crams two songs into an episode when it's super warranted.

S01E48 - "Wedding Song" from Hadestown

"Wedding Song" from Hadestown

Season 01  Episode 48  •   August 19, 2020

Who's gonna lay the wedding table? Who's gonna make the wedding bed? And what about the rings? Funny you should ask.

S01E47 - Muppet Whistles, Throat Singing & Steely Dan

Muppet Whistles, Throat Singing & Steely Dan

Season 01  Episode 47  •   August 05, 2020

Mailbag! Episode!