"Space Oddity" and "Starman" by David Bowie
Season 01 Episode 56 • January 13, 2021Share
Let the children lose it, let the children use it, and let all the children join in for Strong Songs year three!
Kirk kicks off the new year with a pair of classics by the great David Bowie: 1969's melancholy "Space Oddity" and 1972's triumphant "Starman." What goes up, as they say, must come down.
Written by: David Bowie
Albums: David Bowie (1969), The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars (1972)
Listen/Buy Bowie: Apple Music | Amazon | Spotify
Listen/Buy Ziggy: Apple Music | Amazon | Spotify
- Audio of the 1969 Apollo 11 moon landing, courtesy NASA
- "A Day in the Life" by Lennon-McCartney, 1967
- A cool Guardian interview with Rick Wakeman about playing Mellotron on Space Oddity
OUTRO SOLOIST: Carlos "Insaneintherainmusic" Eieine
Carlos Eienie is a prolific multi-instrumentalist and YouTube creator who's done some extremely fun jazz arrangements of great video game music, among other things. You can find him on most social media as some variant of @insaneintherainmusic, and on his website at https://www.insaneintherainmusic.com/.
Thanks to BJ Cord, Kyle Molitor, and Carlos Eiene for lending their horn chops to the Strong Songs year three theme. You can watch a video of the whole band playing the tune on Twitter or Instagram.
Check out the Strong Songs merch store for some cool t-shirts, mugs, totes, and more: store.strongsongspodcast.com
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And you can find Kirk on Twitter @Kirkhamilton and on Instagram at @Kirk_Hamilton: https://www.instagram.com/kirk_hamilton/
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Kirk has condensed his Strong Songs picks into a single new list, which you can find on Spotify and Apple Music, and YouTube Music.
Thank you so much to all of Strong Songs' Patreon supporters - you make this whole shoe possible. For more on how to help Kirk make Strong Songs, go here: https://Patreon.com/StrongSongs
Patrick Funston Jamie White Johanna L. Branson Thomas König Angus McKimm Christopher Kupski Christopher McConnell Joshua Jarvis Rick Klaras Niko Laurie Acreman Ken Hirsh Jez Jenness Gardner Simon Cammell Guinevere Boostrom Narelle Horn Nathaniel Bauernfeind Bill Rosinger Anne Britt David Zahm Erin Aidan Coughlan Jeanneret Manning Family Four Matt Butler Doug Paton Robert Paul R Watson Viki Dun Christer Lindqvist Sami Samhuri Craig J Covell AccessViolation Ryan Torvik Merlin Mann Fraser Glenn CALEB ROTACH Andre Bremer Chad Barnard Mark Schechter Dave Florey Dan Apczynski
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